Glenda at I Shouldn't Be Doin' This has brought it up a few times. Kristi has talked about it too. I'm getting excited myself.
Next Wednesday evening begins the Catechesis Symposium of the Concordia Catechetical Academy. We call it "Going to Bender's" for short. LOL
Pastor Peter Bender has been a personal hero for some time. He is pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Sussex (suburban Milwaukee), Wisconsin, and the CCA is an auxiliary of that parish, which promotes Luther's Small Catechism, and the formation in the faith that we call "catechesis." While this is not required, it is by far the one that has the most direct applications to my daily parish ministry.
The sessions are stimulating and informing, yet accessible to laity as well. It is a very "family friendly" conference. And the two Divine Services alone make the 1000 mile round-trip worth it!
Of course, the food is another highlight. Peace provides a beautiful and tasty spread on Wednesday night. We also go to Kopp's, a local frozen custard place, on Thursday nights. Thursday lunch is always Weissgerber's, an amazing German restaurant. Mmmm....what a great trip!
I can't wait! We need it!!!!
(Please pass the Spaetzele!)
I didn't know you guys liked spetzel, I make a killer homemade one. You guys have to come over for dinner next time I make some....
Have fun!
Name the night: we're there! :-)
When we lived in Chicago, a family "adopted" us with a standing invitation to Sunday dinner. The grandparents often made it from scratch, with just about any main dish.
We just have never purchased the press to make it ourselves.
Oh yeah - Kopps I can't wait. I just checked the flavors of the day -yum, yum, yum:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A connoisseurr's imported trüffel flavor with delicate chocolate flakes.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A classic Italian dessert of espresso-flavored custard, ribbons of fudge and ladyfinger morsels
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ribbons of caramel, chocolate cookie cone pieces and loads of chopped nuts, added to our delicious vanilla custard.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Celebrate Polish Fest with this classic pastry recreated with vanilla custard filled with fruit swirls and traditional pastry pieces.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Our own caramel with special roasted cashews
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